Shot Cotton baby quilt

Susan got a wedding quilt and I decided to also make her a baby quilt! Why does Susan get two quilts when many people in my life have yet to receive one from me?  I don't know. Maybe I miss her, or feel guilty about not visiting her more?  Most likely her big life events just happened to fall at a time when I had an open quilting schedule.

Front of quilt.  Measures 49"x35"

Front of quilt.  Measures 49"x35"

Back of quilt

Back of quilt

Again, I wanted to make something simple for her, in line with her taste for all things clean and minimal.  I started with big stripes in soft tones.  Then a friend at Chicago Modern Quilt Guild told me about making a quilt using shot cottons and wool batting, and how the quilt was so soft and had such a nice hand.  Typically I don't give a lot of thought to the hand of softness of the quilts I make, but in this instance it seemed like making a baby quilt extra soft would be a great idea.  I had a gorgeous stack of shot cottons that I had purchased at a great price on Craftsy.  I loved this stack so much that I decided to use it as it was, not changing the order of the colors at all.  I paired the colors up as they came off the stack, cut them into pies and crusts, and sewed them into drunkards path blocks.  I decided to add borders, and the phrase "Hello, world" to the bottom of the quilt.  I wanted to make examples of the letters I had sketched out for a pattern (Simple Shapes Alphabet, hopefully coming out soon), and I thought it was a cute expression to welcome a new person into the world.  I did not know at the time that this is a famous reference to computer programming.   Even though I did watch Halt and Catch Fire.  But I digress.  By now I had come to think of the original front as the back, and this more colorful patchwork as the front.  Of course Susan can use it in whatever way she prefers.  

On the design wall...

On the design wall...

In progress...

In progress...

piecing the letters

piecing the letters

such a pretty spot to nap.

such a pretty spot to nap.

My helper got tired arms. 

My helper got tired arms. 

quilting detail.

quilting detail.

I sent this to Nikki Maroon for some very simple, open quilting.  After it was bound I added a label made from a piece of vintage embroidered linen.  I hope it's getting plenty of use by sweet baby Nico.   

The cutest! 

The cutest! 

UPDATE: Nico is the most adorable butterball and he looks perfect in his stripes on his quilt. This picture made my heart leap.  


Leftovers Ala Gwen


Wedding Quilt for Susan and Alex