Matchbox Valentines

I tend to save match boxes because they are so darn cute and I always think maybe I'll make something out of them.  And I finally did!  I made Valentines for my co-workers.  They are stinkin' adorable and easy.  I will share my process so you can make some too.


If you want to create some valentines like these you will need:

  • 1 paper matchbox, the kind with the outer sleeve and "drawer" that slides out
  • 1 piece of small chocolate.  I used Ghiradelli's mini squares
  • 15" thin ribbon
  • 15" string
  • decorative paper, cut down to 2" x 4 1/4"
  • contrasting decorative paper, cut down to 3/4" x 4 1/4"
  • two postage stamps, approximately the same size as each other
  • double stick tape or other adhesive
  • optional, little name tags (mine are Recollections brand, from Michaels)

First wrap the larger strip of paper around the sleeve of the matchbox.  I used a tape runner (Memory brand, from Paper Source) as my adhesive.  Next put adhesive on the skinny strip of paper and wrap it around.  Both strips of paper should meet up on the bottom of the sleeve, so the ends aren't showing.


For the tiny card, I picked two postage stamps of about the same size, and carefully fed them through my sewing machine.  This way they could open like a little card.  If you don't have a sewing machine, I think writing on the back of one stamp would be just fine.  If you don't have postage stamps on hand, trim down a piece of paper to roughly the size of the chocolate. 


I tied the card to the chocolate with a length of string.  Make a little bow and then trim off the excess.


Put the chocolate and card bundle into the drawer part of the matchbox, and slide it into the sleeve.  Then use the ribbon to make a bow around the matchbox, and attach the nametag to the ribbon, if desired.

That's it!  Not hard but very cute!  Enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day.  xoxo


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