2017 Goal Visualization Quilt
I’ve written before about how I needed to make the designs for these yearly quilts as simple as possible in order to make continuing this project feasible. The 2017 quilt is a great example of that. I started the year with 4 goals:
exercise 250 times
host friends for a meal 6 times
make three quilts, start to finish
meditate 3500 minutes
2017 Goal Visualization Quilt
I represented the completion of these goals with a percentage of a circle. That was my whole design for the quilt. But then there happened to be two other big things that took place that year: 1. We bought a house and moved, and 2. I went back to school. And I felt like I should get credit for those things, even if I didn’t fully complete my four goals for the year. That’s when I added the two big circles around the edge of the quilt.
This quilt measures 46” square. It was quilted by Nikki Maroon. Mitch Hopper took final pictures for me.
2017 Goal Visualization Quilt, detail
2017 Goal Visualization Quilt, detail
back of quilt
embroidered label