Jordan Year (Quilt of Golden Delights)

Jordan Year (Quilt of Golden Delights)

approximately 76x76, finished 2024

I started 2023 asking, “what would make a golden year?” I wrote a list of words that I wanted to focus on:

  • delight

  • savoring 

  • awareness

  • grace

  • celebration

  • gentleness

  • strength

  • patience

  • generosity

  • connecting

  • lingering

  • playing

  • moving

  • resting 

The idea being that by focusing on these themes I could manifest a fantastic year. For the year’s quilt, I planned to write something that happened related to one of the words each day, and embroider it on the quilt. (In hindsight this list is comically long and all-encompassing).  

Soon enough I found myself reading The Book of Delights by Ross Gay. I loved it so much, and decided to shift away from my list of words and focus only on recording one delight from each day. 

I loved collecting delights. It was –forgive me – delightful. On hard days, it could be a challenge to notice one, but I did it without fail. Many days, it was hard to limit myself to only one (sometimes I didn’t. See 2/16, 4/12, 7/28.) 

Ironically 2023 brought me some of the very lowest lows I had ever experienced… mental health crises for my kids, treasured 20-year marriage in a rough spot, fieldwork that had me questioning whether I was cut out for the new career I had just spent two grueling years studying for… I may have cried more in 2023 than in my previous 41 years combined. 

Did it turn out to be a golden year? I can’t answer that. I am glad I have a record of the delights instead of a record of the low points. Let those heartbreaks grow fuzzy. I survived them all. Let the delights stay present and clear in my mind, sharp as the needle that stitched them into this quilt for hours upon hours. 

A word on colors and title:

This is the fourth quilt I’ve made using strips of log cabins to represent the days of the year. The other versions used various colors and a gold colored strip for the 23rd of each month. 23 is my favorite number ( my birthday falls on the 23rd of the best month of the year, September!) so I highlighted it in this series of quilts. For 2023, I decided to make gold my main color, and brought back colors from the series to mark the 23rd of each month. 


“Jordan year” was an internet nickname for 2023 that emerged early on, an homage to Michael Jordan, #23, of course. For me it held a double meaning, as Jordan was also the name of my supervising OT for the first 3 months of the year (source of many tears and many learnings). 


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